

Dr. Giovanni S. Hampton

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Dr. Giovanni S. Hampton is the patriarch of the Hampton family and The Hampton Organization.
He is responsible for building The Hampton Organization from the ground up. Giovanni Hampton, got his work ethics and business knowledge from his mother Elizabeth Hampton who was a restauranteur and owner of a bar in Monrovia, Liberia. Giovanni, saw his mother cooking Liberian foods over the hot stove and saw the sweats rolling off his mother’s face and from that moment he knew he wanted to be in business for himself just like his mother but not suffer to the extreme like his mother but to be able to take care of his mother so she wouldn’t have to work as hard. As a child growing up in New Jersey, one summer he got the entrepreneurial spirit which his mother installed in him. Instead of riding his bike with his friends he took his father’s lawnmower, an empty milk gallon and went to the gas station to buy gas. Giovanni cut grass that day and made about $80.00. As Giovanni got older the entrepreneurial spirit was still him him. Giovanni, started several businesses as a young man but did not succeed. He learn from his mistakes and kept on trying. Because of those attempts and failure made him wiser.
Dr. Giovanni S. Hampton, got his strong work ethics and business mind from his mother Elizabeth Hampton. Elizabeth Hampton from the Grebo tribe in West Africa Monrovia, Liberia. Elizabeth Hampton, a restauranteur in Monrovia, Liberia. She instilled strong principles, morals, values, ethics and work habits into her son Giovanni and told him that education is the path to greatness. She adore her last born son Giovanni and her son Giovanni thought the world of her. In his eyes his mother was the greatest in the world. The values she taught him did not leave him. The important values of life and business. It will be unfortunate of his dreams to take care of his mother would not come to pass because she died when he was 20 years old. Dr. Giovanni Hampton instill those values in his children. His relentless pursuit of entrepreneurship to employed and empower individuals for a better world made Giovanni a great businessman. Giovanni cares for his fellow human and he always goes above and beyond for family and friends. His wife Diana says he has a big heart, a man of integrity. Dr. Giovanni Hampton has proven that he is an innovator and leader in today’s business world. He is the very definition of the American dream and success story, that anything and everything is possible. From his birth in West Africa Monrovia, Liberia, his mother knew that her son was special and he was going to achieve greatness.
Dr. Giovanni S. Hampton is continually setting the standards of excellence while expanding his interests in different businesses such as Real Estate, Trucking, Finance, Logistics, Insurance, Investments, Farming, Retail, Drop Shipping, Petroleum and etc. He is perhaps one of the greatest businessman that has come from Liberia in modern time. His mean focus is to provide excellent services to all. Dr. Giovanni S. Hampton and Dr. Diana H. M. Hampton started buying up houses in Baltimore, Maryland, Philadelphia, PA. and other major cities in the United States. After accumulating numinous houses and apartments The Hamptons started buying hotels and office buildings in the United States of America. Giovanni and Diana Hampton wanted to expand their business empire so they started building houses, shopping plaza, warehouses and hotels internationally in countries like Kenya, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Tanzania, Ghana, Uganda, Rwanda, South Africa, Senegal, Saipan, Giovanni, is a philanthropist where he donates to many different charities. But the major charities he donates to that is dear to him is The Down’s Syndrome Association, The Autism Research Institute (ARI), the St. Jude Foundation, The Diabetes Research Institute Foundation (DRI) and the 12 Legions of Angels. He also serves as a Chairman of the Board at the 12 Legion of Angels Foundation a nonprofit organization that feeds the hungry in America as well as Liberia, Tanzania and other parts of Africa. The 12 Legions of Angels provides foods, clothes and shelter for the citizens of Africa who are in need.


Dr. Diana H. M. Hampton

Dr. Diana H. M. Hampton the matriarch of the Hampton family is the EVP, CFO and Chairwoman of The Hampton Organization.
With her strong management skills and exceptional executive leadership, she keeps a tight iron fist as she manages all companies under the umbrella of The Hampton Organization. She makes sure that day to day operation is run smoothly. From going to warehouses to checking on the truck drivers to construction sites or rehab properties to over seeing loan transactions, checking on farmers. She is very detailed oriented. Diana, has worked with one of the largest banking institution in the United States for over ten years before joining her husband in the building of the family businesses.Dr. Diana Hampton passion and happiness are her husband and children. She loves her family and nothing makes her more happy then staying at home with her husband and children. Like her husband she is a philanthropist where she donates to different charities

 Dr. Diana Hampton donates consistently to her favorite charities that is dear to her heart. The Down’s Syndrome Association, The Autism Research Institute (ARI) and The Diabetes Research Institute Foundation (DRI). Her husband is a diabetic, she donates in hoping that a cure for diabetes will be discovered. Dr. Diana Hampton, is the Co-Chairwoman of the 12 Legion of Angels Foundation a nonprofit organization that feeds the hungry which was started by her and her husband Dr. Giovanni Hampton. She makes sure that the hungry has food to eat especially women and children. She over sees the distribution of foods being shipped to Africa for people who are in need.
Dr. Diana Hampton, is very compassionate and she does not want to see any woman or child go to bed hungry, especially little children. She donates to the St. Jude Foundation as well because she hates to see children suffer and she feels that St. Jude is doing an excellent job helping children.
Dr. Diana Hampton is always discussing ideas with her husband Dr. Giovanni Hampton of how they can make this a better world for a better tomorrow.


Diana A. Hampton

Ms. Diana Hampton, following in the footsteps of her parents in the family businesses.
Diana is by her mother’s side learning and assisting her with the 12 Legions of Angels. Her parents are teaching her and her siblings the importance of helping your fellow human. She is very active in the distribution of foods at the 12 Legions of Angels. Diana enjoys reading, playing with her siblings, singing and playing musical instruments.


Angelina M. Hampton

Ms. Angelina M. Hampton also following in the footsteps of her parents. Angelina is learning about each businesses like her siblings. She loves to help with the distribution foods as well as going to the family farm to help out.


Baraka G. Hampton

Baraka G. Hampton was and still is the pioneer and motivator behind many of the family businesses but one of the family business he orchestrated is Golden Years. The family saw a need for people with certain disabilities and they wanted to make a difference.


Donatella V. Hampton

Donatella V. Hampton also following in the footsteps of her parents. Donatella is learning about each businesses like her siblings. She loves to help with the distribution foods as well as going to the family farm to help out.