about us

hampton organization

About Us

The Hampton Organization is the parent company of many subsidiaries. Started by Dr. Giovanni S. Hampton and his wife Dr. Diana H. M. Hampton, in the state of Maryland. They started their first business with a mortgage company, which they had to close doors due to the real estate crash of 2008. They close doors December 31, 2012. Dr. Giovanni Hampton refused to give up and hung in there but with the market hit so hard. More funds were going out the door than coming in, so he closed doors and less then a year and half later he open a box truck company. Once again by paying employees, truck payments unreliable employees she shut that business down in less then two years. With a wife and children to support, he knew he had to do something. They tried opening up the mortgage company again in 2015 but with other issues and problems in his life it did not manifest as it once did. Giovanni and Diana went back to the beginning to access where they went wrong to learn from their mistakes.

meet the team

Dr. Giovanni S. Hampton

Dr. Giovanni S. Hampton is the patriarch of the Hampton family and The Hampton Organization. He is responsible for building The Hampton Organization from the ground up. Giovanni Hampton, got his work ethics and business…

Dr. Diana H. M. Hampton

Dr. Diana H. M. Hampton the matriarch of the Hampton family is the EVP, CFO and Chairwoman of The Hampton Organization. She is the foundation of the Hampton family and The Hampton Organization. With her strong management…

Diana A. Hampton

Ms. Diana Hampton, following in the footsteps of her parents in the family businesses. Diana is by her mother’s side learning and assisting her with the 12 Legions of Angels. Her parents are teaching her and her siblings the importance of helping …

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